The Gym

Training and Injury PRevention

Short Term Tendon Adaptations Reddit Post

Vertical Junkie posted a reply to a popular short duration submaximal twice a day loading protocol video.

This quickly became one of the most upvoted climbharder reddit posts of the year.

Of course those members who watched our Tendon Masterclass from January already had a good grasp of all this!  

Have a read and check out the reddit post for lots of in depth discussion in the comments.


In Send City

Do you have what it takes to live In Send City? 

Strength and Power are the key to extending your performance peaks.

Focus:  Strength, Power and Technical Movement

For Volume Breakdowns and More Detailed Descriptions check the members zone.


Elastic or Stiff?

As climbers we expect a lot from our tendons.  

This snippet is taken from our ELASTIC or STIFF Masterclass January 26 2021.

This 5 minute block talks about ways to address tendinopathy with load and some of the simplified physiology behind Stress Shielding.

Check out the full video in the Members Zone.

Training and injury prevention

Elbow Pain

A Desperate Message To Those Climbing With Elbow Pain

A message in a bottle.  

Written with the small chance it might lazily wash up one day to be discovered by just the right type of climber.  That poor soul who is training to become weaker with elbow pain.

Training and injury prevention

Manage Volume
& Mitigate Injury

Are you prone to overdoing it and ending up fatigued, bottomed out or injured? 

This is worth a read.



Does your intensity and quality of training tend to crash or just deck out completely?  

Are you noticing any signs or symptoms of overtraining?  Fatigue, low motivation, cutting sessions short?  

A Deload Week might be all you need – listen to our discussion on how and when to deload!

Training and injury prevention


Clearing Up Confusion for Climbers and Why It Matters!

Climbers elbow? Tendon Issues?  Learn about how your tendon reacts to overuse and what you can do about it!


Want More? Join as a Member!

Junkies get access to more workouts, resources, training tools and an invitation to our junkie discord channel where you can pick the brain of coaches, physios and more!

New and improved workouts

Detailed climbing workouts added regularly!  PDF and Modifiable Excel versions for every workout with  progressions and regressions to match novices or the strongest crusher.


Supplement your training with the knowledge you need to program effectively, prevent injuries and get the edge on sending your projects.

Junkie Discord

Chat with physios, other Junkies and coaches in a casual setting via text or voice!  Share media, opinions and stories of that 15 foot whip you took last weekend!

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