Climbing Workouts, Training & Physio - NOW LIVE!
We are just starting back up after a temporary break. New content coming shortly. Memberships and clinical sessions are still on HOLD. (ETA on new content July 2022).
All content has been made free and available for all members of the public, no memberships required.
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The Gym
The Gym is OPEN to all. No Charge. No Restrictions.
Climbing Workouts – Training Articles – Injury Discussion
Warning: Sketchy Slabs may be found inside.
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The Physio Clinic
Rule Number One to becoming a better climber?
Don’t Get Injured!
Paul has over 12 years experience as a clinically registered physiotherapist with a special interest in climbers.
Get it sorted before it sorts you.
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Your one stop shop for Climbing Specific Workouts, Programming and Injury Management

Welcome to Vertical Junkie! I’m Paul, a climber of 10 years and passionate physio of over 12 years.
My personal vertical journey started from a love of exploring the bush. As my adventures became more serious, I quickly realised I needed technical climbing skills to safely navigate in the local mountain ranges and the art of trad climbing sucked me in.
After many years of listening to the sweet sound of hex wind chimes, I started venturing into bouldering and sport climbing as the gyms sprouted up locally. This is where I stumbled upon the many injured climbing junkies with such huge passion and drive to achieve.
Everyone had a different idea on what is important, how to progress and how to send hard!
In the years since I have been delving into the complex realm of climbing training, clinical research and strong man speculation. Not to mention helping numerous overly ambitious crushers out of the weeds of climbing related injuries.
Finally, I have found the time to put all of this in one place and Vertical Junkie has been born!
Nice to meet you all, now to get back to work on all the content coming your way!